Thursday, July 24, 2008

Henriks date with a beautiful blond

Wednesday began with a trip with Lucas & Ludvig to Eriksdalsbadet.
We swam and had a good time.
Then my date showed up with her two kids Vincent & Vidar.
We had a really good time in the sun and the water.

From left to right.
Vidar, Vincent, Lucas and Ludvig.

When we had been in Erkisdalsbadet for almoust 5 hours me and Lisa (my blond date) decided to go somewhere else, with the children of course!

So we went to the restaurant Thaiboat.
We had a couple of beers and talked about Bob Marley, life and how wonderful it can be.
You cant see it but its fine white sand as a floor so we took of our shoes and burried our toes in it.

Just so everyone knows Lisa is on of my oldest girlfriends and we got to know each other when i was at home with Lucas (daddydays) and she was at home with Vincent (mommydays).
So we are intitled to go on a date from time to time ;)
Lucas and Ludvig went home with Lisa, Vincent and Vidar and I went on my second date for the day, with my wonderful wife Mia.
Have a wonderful day/night everyone


Anna said...

Oj, oj, oj - kärleksförklaring efter kärleksförklaring ;-)

Hoppas allt är bra! Kram

Carl Henrik Napoleon said...

Haha! Ja jag gillar Lisa, det är skönt när man har någon som kan ta barnen ibland och så är det så kul att grabbarna kommer överens, de är nästan som brorsor eftersom de kännt varandra så länge.
Hoppas allt e bra med er också Hälsa!